2019 SiWC & Outlandish Vancouver, Day 3

Hi Outlander fans!

Last day at Surrey International Writers’ Conference (SiWC) and Outlandish Vancouver; things to do at both events.

I arrive early for Diana’s SiWC workshop, Managing a Mob, and take a moment to get my microphone set up. I am very excited.

This workshop was scheduled for 2018 SiWC, but was cancelled  when Diana was called to NYC for the PBS’ Great American Read. You may recall, To Kill A Mocking Bird took first place. Outlander book took second place! … beating out Pride and Prejudice. Puir Mr. Darcey! <G>

But, good news! SiWC rescheduled Herself’s Managing a Mob workshop for 2019, and the presentation was worth the wait! I recorded the entire session including Q and A, and share it (with her permission). Here it is in its entirety. To listen, click on the white arrowhead and wait for it to load. So, grab a cuppa and enjoy! 👍🏻

A quick lunch with Diana. She accommodated my request to photograph her beautiful nails. These are not gels, but regular polish. Love the electric violet! They also don’t interfere with keyboard work as she “types” with fingertips (I asked 😜).

What did we talk about? Nails, femurs, medial condyles, grandchildren (her little grandsons are gorgeous!), Season 4, Season 5 (she is enthusiastic)! Yay!

I gifted Diana with one of my beaded pieces.  This “Queen Bee” honors big book nine, Go Tell The Bees That I Am Gone. A queen bee can be recognized by its elongated abdomen.

You may note that the upper left wing is upside down. I didn’t notice until it was stitched in place. I started to correct and then changed my mind  – only the Divine is perfect! 😉

A quick hug, goodbye, and off to meet Courtney Williams of Outlanderbts. We drove together to the final Outlandish Vancouver event, Cocktails with the Cast!

We are bound for the Native, a paddlewheeler on the beautiful Fraser River, New Westminster, B. C.

Diana and all the invited cast members, except John, were able to attend. We missed ye, lad!

Here are the guests, up close and looking, oh, so fine!

Paddlewheels start turning and we are off!

After drinks and hors de oeuvres, there is a splendid moment: Diana officiates in renewing wedding vows for this Texas couple! I am sure many of you recognize them as they are devoted Outlander fans. Few dry eyes as Diana recited “Ye Are Blood of my Blood, and Bone of My Bone!” Congratulations to Mark and Tina on 40 years of wedded bliss!

My view from the upper deck as the sun is setting. A tug tows log booms behind it. Then, the tug sounds its horn in greeting! (Pardon the fingers 😜)  Stunning!

Later, Koko informs us that Diana is helming (not driving) the boat!

A beautiful moment for her, I am sure. Diana does a seamless job as pilot – we didn’t know Herself was skillfully guiding us through the water. The next is one of my all time favorite photos of Diana! 🥰

Being petite, she cannot see over the wheel, but between the spokes works!

After docking, I grabbed Courtney and we scurried back to Surrey! She called me later that night to ask if my refrigerator was running? Silly girl! 😜

Just so you ken, Outlandish Vancouver is the brain child of Koko Pipkin. In the photo below, she is surrounded by the cast (she is also petite).

I don’t believe I have ever been to a fan event that ran as smoothly as this. Everyone was friendly, helpful, and organized.

Case in point: As I was shaking Mark’s hand, a small plate slipped out of my hand and shattered on the deck of the Native. Gah! 😱 Koko was there to pick up the pieces before I even bent down. Thank you, Koko!

Next year’s date is penciled into my calendar. Plan to be there come heck or high water!!! 😁

The deeply grateful,

Outlander Anatomist

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Photo Credits: Outlander Anatomy, Starz, Outlandish Vancouver, DWPhotography

Fun Fact: Latissimus Dorsi Redux

Anatomy def: A pair of broad, fan-shaped back muscles; each wraps around the ipsilateral (same side) of chest and inserts into the upper humerus (arm bone). 

Outlander def: Whew! An amazing muscle mass of Jamie’s left armpit (red arrow). For sure, his right armpit has its own latissimus, but Claire is in the way!  <G>

Latissimi dorsi (pl.) form the rear boundary of each armpit (pec major forms each front boundary). Claire appears to be gazing at his left latissimus – and, who isn’t???

Learn about latissimus dorsi in Anatomy Lesson #19, To Arms, Too Arms, Two Arms! 

Today’s FF is the second covering this muscle. The first Latissimus dorsi posted December 2016, used a side view of latissimus dorsi as it angles from lower thoracic and lumbar spine towards the armpit (Outlander ep 106, The Garrison Commander). This broad muscle mass passes diagonally across the side of chest. So, now we view this important muscle from two vantage points.

Each latissimus dorsi is a powerful mover of its humerus:

  • abducts (draws humerus toward the thorax)
  • extends  (draws humerus backwards)
  • internally rotates  (rolls humerus inwards, towards chest) 

Read about Jamie’s armpit ablutions aboard the Artemus in Voyager book.  This lovely passage is from Jamie’s promises to Claire, once he gets her on land, <G>:

“Well, ye might moan a bit, if ye like, to encourage me, but otherwise, ye just lie still.” 

He didn’t sound as though he needed any encouragement whatever. One of his hands was resting on my thigh as he used the other to swab his chest with the damp towel. As he finished, the hand slid behind me, and squeezed. 

“My beloved’s arm is under me,” I quoted. “And his hand behind my head. Comfort me with apples, and stay me with flagons, For I am sick of love.” 

There was a flash of white teeth in his beard. 

“More like grapefruit,” he said, one hand cupping my behind. “Or possibly gourds. Grapefruit are too small.” 

“Gourds?” I said indignantly. 

“Well, wild gourds get that big sometimes,” he said. “But aye, that’s next.” He squeezed once more, then removed the hand in order to wash the armpit on that side. “I lie upon my back and have ye stretched at length upon me, so that I can get hold of your buttocks and fondle them properly.” He stopped washing to give me a quick example of what he thought proper, and I let out an involuntary gasp.

See Jamie’s left latissimus dorsi resting in his armpit in Starz ep 306, A. Malcolm.

The deeply grateful,

Outlander Anatomist

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Photo Credit: Sony/Starz