Outlander at 2021 NYCC!

Annnnndddddd, here they are!!!

Yes! So wonderful to see Diana, Maril, Sam, Caitriona, Caesar, Lauren and John!  We have missed you, all!

Yes, it is the New York Comic Con Outlander panel. Just ran this morning at 11am EDT. Four of the panelists joined remotely, but three dared travel issues and joined the hostess on stage.

And, in case you missed it, below is the Outlander panel from 2019 NYCC! Our stars are so engaging. No wonder we love them so!

And last but not least, the 2018 Outlander panel, held at The Paley Center. I was there, and it was a fantastic experience!

All great panels. Of course, I have never seen a poor Outlander panel.  😉Always entertaining and engaging. Hope you enjoy all of them!

The deeply grateful,

Outlander Anatomist 🤗

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Photo Credits:  2021 New York Comic Con; The Paley Center for Media; You Tube

Clan-Slam – MIK and Clanlands!

If  you are like me, you binge watched Men in Kilts as soon as it became available on Starz.  What a delightful respite after a very looong Droughlander! At least we can rewatch as we wait and wait and wait for season six of Outlander! 😉

Also, I immediately snagged hard copy and digital versions of Clanlands, the book written by these two inventive lads. And, I listened to the audible version, the official title of the books being: Clanlands: Whisky, Warfare, and a Scottish Adventure Like No Other.

Basically,  TV series and various book forms offer a splendid record of one big, fabulous road trip taken by Sam Heughan and Graham McTavish, stars of the beloved Outlander TV series. And, in an interesting switch-up, the books, the show, and the audible versions are not precisely the same. So, if you are able, I recommend all three forms for conspicuous consumption! 😋

As if reading about this Scottish pair isn’t sufficient to pique ones interest, the book forward is written by Herself, Diana Gabaldon! With typical wit and charm, her first words are:

“Well, in The Beginning…there was a man in a kilt.” 😍

Now, I don’t want to crow (well, maybe a little), but I snagged an autographed version of the hard copy of Clanlands. 🤗

Yes, I know. The “autograph” consists of Sam’s initials and Graham’s… what? There’s maybe a “G” in there, but can the last line possibly read as McTavish??? 🤷‍♀️

The book of their Scottish odyssey begins with this prophetic promise:

“The story of two men who know nothing”

Sam and Graham

Followed by:

“It’s a dangerous business, Graham, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don’t keep your feet, there’s no knowing where you might be swept off to.”

Sam Heughan on behalf of

J.R.R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings

Annnnd….. it goes downhill from there.

Seriously, they begin an arduous week-long journey “to find the real Scotland and what it means to be Scottish,” while sequestered in a Fiat Auto-Roller Clan-Van sporting a gear shift! Now, I wonder who came up with that Clan-Plan? 🤔

It had been years since Sam used a gear shift. So, Graham-wise patiently reviewed the ABC mnemonic for the three foot pedals: A = acceleration; B = brake; C= clutch.  A discussion then ensues – is the ABC from left to right or right to left? Right to left assures Graham. 

“Ka-chunk wheeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrt ka-chunk”

And, They’re off! 😱

The camper looks rather typical from the outside, but was ever so exotic on the inside. Looks a wee bit crowded for these two rather largish Scots!

Between camper van excursions the blokes also travel by bike.

Look ma – No hands! 🙌🏻

They also toured by tandem bike, ending with the slightly naughty, but apropos ditty, “Shovellin’ Coal” by Tony Pranses! 

Travel by kayak.  Well, below is not a kayak – more like a rowboat. Notice Graham relaxes as “coxswain” while Sam and Gary Lewis (aka Colum McKenzie) work! Row, row, row your boat! 🚣🏼

And, the most notable mode of transport: a motorbike with sidecar! Guess who’s driving “Miss Daisy?”

(Sam looks grim; Graham appears worrit)

Their adventure took them to the Highlands of Scotland where they scampered up hills.

And, gazed on magestic vistas! (These guys own a lot of clothes!)

They pulled fishing nets from the sea. And, why wouldn’t they? Scotland has over 6,000 miles of coastline!!!

Hum…. wonder if they had fishing licenses? (Nice shades, Graham!) 😎

They marched with a bagpipe band, possibly the Inverness Youth Pipe Band, as described in Clanlands:

‘Scotland the Brave’ is blasting from the next room as the Inverness Youth Pipe Band warm up, the base drum reverberating off the walls.”

Clearly, Graham and Sam are pumped by the pipes! Bagpipes, that is. 😉

Dressed in snappy threads, they visit Clava Cairn, a type of Bronze Age circular chamber tomb near Inverness. (Like Jamie and Claire, they are separated by 202 years 😜) 

Btw, I was privileged to tour this amazing historical site in 2016. Please go if you get the chance. You won’t regret it.  

The lads even put on Sunday best to attempt the Scottish sword dance.

Not sure what  in the world Sam is doing, but  Lord of the Dance, it is NOT!  Tiptoeing through the tulips, perhaps? 😂

Joy!  Joy!  Joy! One of their happiest moments involved the delightful daredevils rolling in grain on a malting floor, later to be transformed into whisky! 🥃 Happy dance!!!

But, for me, their most impressive accomplishment was not the history lessons, geography tidbits, driving (sort of) tips, clan warfare, or cultural subtleties. Nope, it was the  inventive bits of “slander” furiously lobbed between Sam  and Graham. The first one appears on p. 9 of Clanlands:

“I’m not a ginger [Graham:You kind of are] or a virgin, either!”

Alrighty, then! 😲

Having grown up with three brothers, I well understand, that such defamations often represent the highest form of affection expressed between bros. (Sad isn’t it? 😜)

So what did these two jokesters do? Well, they plastered each other with  various and sundry Clan-slams: zingers, insults, slanders, one-liners, jokes, barbs, quips, ribs, ripostes, giggles, boffo, waggery, drollery, disparagements, jeers, taunts, pokes, prods, nudges and digs! All were meant to gently malign and disparage but, most of all, to entertain with the gentlest of intents! 💓

Sam and Graham have always sparred with each other, even as their respective characters in the Outlander series!

Take this faceoff from Starz, Outlander episode 209, Je Suis Prest. (Psst….Mine is bigger than yours! aka, who’s the man?) 😂

Dougal “pursues” Jamie at Prestonpans (Starz, Outlander episode 210, Prestonpans)! Watch yer back, McDubh! 😉

Oops, Jamie finishes off Dougal. My apologies, uncle! 🗡 (Starz, Outlander episode 213, Dragonfly in Amber) 😱

The lingual gymnastics executed by the two stars immediately grabbed my attention prompting me to start a running tab of their salty jibes. Sharing my initial compendium via Twitter, I was gobsmacked by this response from Sam:

Which was quickly followed by Graham’s reply!

After publishing my first list, I have expanded it,  adding a few “insults” missed the first time around. Below, is my latest compilation. Doubtless, I have missed a few so will update if I find more. 

Which are your favorites? I am very fond of Mr. Shouty for Graham and Booze Hound for Sam (clothes hound might also work). Other favs are Scottish Baby Jesus (re Sam’s birth place) and Capricorn Goat (Graham’s a January babe).

Now, a quick bit of math reveals that Clan-Man, Graham, is a less prolific insulter than Sam, producing only 75% as many grand-slams as those  inflicted by the Hot Scot. This may mean Graham is a nicer guy, or perhaps more gentlemanly not to express every thought that rattles his grey matter, or mayhap he has more important things to do. What do you think?

Ahhhh! Finally at journey’s end, Sam and Graham take a well-earned rest, backs resting against the trusty camper van and cheeks on the as-phalt 😜. (Psst… Honestly, they look a wee bit wasted!)

In the end, let us recall, these two blokes harbor great affection for one another. Sam makes this abundantly clear on the final page of Clanlands…  His touching tribute to Graham:

Lord, ye gave me a rare friend,

and God! I loved the old sod well.”

Sam Heughan on behalf of Diana Gabaldon,

Dragonfly in Amber

As for me, I remain a die-hard, Clan-Fan!

The deeply grateful,

Outlander Anatomist

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Photo Credits:  www.Starz.com; Clanlands; Ed Miller; www.brainstudy.info; www.heraldscotland.com; www.monstersandcritics.com; www.oprahdaily.com, www.outlanderanatomy.com; www.scotsman.com; www.sundaypost.com; www.thescottishsun.co.uk; www.thedipp.com; www.vulture.com; You tube

Meet Graham McTavish – OV Party in the Suites

Sunday was a wonderful day for me. I joined Outlandish Vancouver (OV) for a “Party in the Suites” with none other than Dougal-in-Disguise, Graham McTavish!  🤗

What is Outlandish Vancouver? In normal years, OV is an annual event held in Surrey, British Columbia 🇨🇦, independent from but concurrent with Surrey International Writer’s Conference (SiWC). Click the link to find Outlandish Vancouver website or, if you prefer,  the OV Facebook page!

Who is the mastermind behind OV? Well, it is KoKo, a.k.a. Pippi Pipkin (she is a wee lass)!  She came up with this wonderful plan and now enjoys a volunteer staff including Sam and  Karin (see next image).

Fans and OV admin folks gathered on Zoom a few minutes before the start of Graham’s session to share info about appropriate discussion topics, courtesy for virtual events, and filming/audio recording rules.

We were all smiles and delighted to be part of this wonderful event!

Then, Graham appeared exactly on time, looking dashing, as always,  in sweater, beard, smile and mellifluous voice.  We individually introduced ourselves and then we were off on a delightful Q and A trip with Mr. McTavish. Lucky us!

First, Graham was congratulated for Clanlands: Whisky, Warfare, and a Scottish Adventure Like No Other!, the new book authored by Graham and Sam Heughan. Graham is delighted with the book’s reception and its speedy advance to the top of multiple best seller lists! 📚

We learned an interesting fun fact about Graham’s name. One fan had the last name of Thompson. Turns out, Thompson is the anglicized version of McTavish. I didn’t know! 🤔

As a child in the 1960s, Graham lived in Vancouver, B. C. That prompted an invitation to attend the next in-person OV event. He said he would 💓 to come! Fingers crossed that this wish becomes reality once COVID is beaten back. 🤞🏻

One fan had a series of snappy questions for Graham (I think it was Keri). All her questions concerned Sam and Graham on the road for Clanlands book. Here they are:

Q: Who has the messier luggage?

A: Both of us are messy. But, as he thought about it, Sam’s luggage is the messiest!

Q: Who is more of a chatter box?

A: I am! Graham out-chatters Sam!

Q: Who is the more competitive?

A: Sam!!! He is competitive to a ridiculous level –  very, Very VERY competitive! 😆

Q: Who can do the most pushups?

A: Graham couldn’t answer because he doesn’t how many Sam can do. He also did not tell us how many he can do.

Q: Who is the most shy?

A: Both of these fellows are shy, but Sam is more so. Graham pointed out that many actors are shy, by nature. Acting probably gives them license to express themselves while taking on another identity.

Q: Who is more of a diva?

A: Ha, ha. It’s Graham! He qualified that response, pointing out neither of these lads are divas and Sam puts up with more discomforts than he should. Graham perfers his creature comforts! 😃

Q: Who forgets their lines more?

A. Sam. 😲

Q: Who was the most demanding of the Clanland crew?

A: Graham! 😇

Q: Who best wears the kilt?

A. Graham, of course!!! 😜

How many Clanlands book plates have he and Sam signed? Graham thought for a moment and then replied – he thinks it is 8,000 – 9,000! 😳

In answer to the question, did you read Outlander book before accepting the role of clan war chief, Dougal MacKenzie? Graham replied, “No.” However, he noted, almost none of the cast had read the books before filming but did so in very quick order. Furthermore, Graham was offered the part and felt Dougal was a perfect fit for him.

Have roles been easier to snag since Outlander? Graham answered, yes, it is easier now.  He likes to work and keep busy. He prefers roles which involve horseback, swords, guns, cloaks, and candles. He has never played a lawyer.

Now, wait just a minute! 🖐🏻 As I recall, William Buccleigh (Buck) MacKenzie is a lawyer!!! 😉

What did you think of your wig as Buck? His daughter prefers him in the wig (she is young). I, for one, like his full beard and bald pate! 😄

What is your favorite form of exercise? Long distance cycling, says Graham…as in many miles. He has cycled all over Scotland, Ireland, and England. Since it is an outdoors activity, he has been able to continue unabated during COVID. Although he didn’t mention it, I wager he has also cycled all over New Zealand! 🇳🇿

What role would you like to play but haven’t as yet?  Graham said he is not interested in rolls in procedural dramas such as a lawyer (too late – see above!) or a doctor. Most of all, he would love to play a cowboy in a bona fide, hay-burner western! 🤠

In  Preacher, he did play a sort-of cowboy, starring as The Saint of Killers –  complete with guns, horse, saber, and Stetson hat! He was thrilled that the saber he carried was of Civil War vintage and even bore the marks of battle!

Graham pointed out that a Scotsman playing a cowboy isn’t farfetched.  At least two Native American tribes were lead by Highlanders: Alexander McGillivray led the Creeks, and Duncan McDonald’s family were leaders of the Nez Perce tribe.

Q: Are audible and printed versions of Clandlands identical?

A: No, indeed, they are not!  The audio version was created over a three day span in a London studio, where as the written version was a collaboration that lasted a number of weeks. Ergo, they are very similar but not identical.

After visiting various Scottish museums with Sam, Graham became enchanted with the weaponry. He was able to handle them and assured us that Highlander weapons were perfectly balanced, well-designed killing machines! The dirk could pierce a Kevlar vest! And, the basket hilt of the broadsword not only protected the dominant hand, it was used like a metal fist to smash bones. (Pssst….. maybe it’s a guy thing) 😉

Graham was so impressed with the weapons, he commissioned a New Zealand swordsmith to make him a Scottish broadsword. He thinks it might come in handy when suitors of his eldest daughter come around – she just attended her first ball. 😆

BTW: The below image (Outlander, episode 209, Je Suis Prest) was written by Matt B. Roberts. The script called for Dougal, Angus, and Rupert to run butt naked in a Highland charge! This is based in history, as fighting naked has been attributed to Celtic warriors as early as 225 B. C. E. And, Highlanders carried on the tradition, dropping the kilt and fighting in sark or birthday suits. In the end (haha), Outlander opted for kilts, only! 😅

I  can personally vouch for Highlander weapons. Yours truly posing with spiked targe, broadsword, and dirk in 2016, Scotland! Targe and dirk were held in the non-dominant hand and broadsword in the dominant. Note the steel spike extending from the targe? That thing was almost a foot long. As the warrior struck with the broadsword, he also stabbed with dirk and slashed with targe spike!  Are you scared? 😜

Are you and Sam really friends? Yes! They enjoy a terrific friendship. Age difference is not a factor. 🤗

And, the last question was excellent: When you think of Outlander, what is the first thing you think of? Without hesitation, Graham answered, “laughter!” Especially with season one combo of characters!

Thus ended our happy hour with Graham McTavish. Thank you, Graham,  for providing us with the splendid characters of Dougal and Buck! Until next time. 🤞🏻

PS: Remember, if you wish to find out more about OV, you can find them on FB or their website.

PSS: Some OV images were taken by my iPhone from my iPad . Thus, they are a wee bit blurry. 🙄

The deeply grateful,

Outlander Anatomist

Follow me on:

Photo and Video Credits: Sony/Starz, Outlandish Vancouver, KoKo Pipkin, Outlander Anatomy