Shatner on Shatner – 2022 San Diego Comic Con

Greetings all! Have  just returned after five days at SDCC and immediately went back to picking blueberries. Before too much water psses under the bridge, I want to share this wonderful “Shatner on Shatner” panel featuring guest star, Mr. William Shatner!

Captain Kirk is now 91 years old but most assuredly does not appear his age!  Who could imagine he has lived for more than nine decades? And, after listening to him for nearly an hour, his mind remains as sharp as a tack!

The panel was hosted by Kevin Smith, film maker, actor, writer, producer, and quick witted funny guy.  Very talented and kept the panel on their feet.

He introduced Captain William to the audience in Hall H – all 4,800 attendees – by suggesting his face should be on a pop culture Mt. Rushmore!  👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

Having just been seated, Shatner shares some new projects and things to buy. He took time to put in a bit of advertising for Funko Pop:


Next, is irascible William’s response to Kevin’s question, is this his first time at SDCC?

This is his answer:

Kevin asked Mr. Shatner what was his first Comic Con? Shatner answered, in the 1970s in New York City. He was invited by some ladies who said the event would be in a hotel.  The Captain refused at first until he found out there would be 15,000 people in attendance! 😉

(How time changes things – the 2022 SDCC had 150,000 attendees!) 😲

Before and after Jeff Bezos’ Blue Origin space flight on October 13, 2021. Shatner was pumped.

An audience member asked the question: what planet do you want to go to? Mr. Shatner told him this is the only planet, the one we live on. Take care of it.

He then shared his thoughts before becoming the oldest human to enter space.  He watched a film of the people who went on the first Blue Origin flight. The people aboard spent their precious three minutes playing with weightlessness; some kid was throwing candies at Jeff Bezos’ rear.

Mr. Shatner then vowed not to waste his time with such silliness but to observe what he saw.  I hope you watch this one  because I found his thoughts especially profound. 🥰

Warning: Shatner and Kevin closed with a foul mouth competition. Who could out fdumb-ass the other. It was very funny, but foul. He also had some acerbic observations about Star Trek spinoffs! 😱

At the end, he received a standing ovation!

Hope you enjoyed the panel.

The deeply grateful,

Outlander Anatomist

Follow me on:

Photo and Video Credits: Jody Chang, Outlander Anatomy,

2018 SDCC Interview with Heather Insley

Greetings Outlander fans! At SDCC just before the Outlandish Fan Panel, I was lucky to snag an interview with Heather Insley, admin for Outlander SoCal Edition.  Turns out, this group has been around since 2013 and has been instrumental in promoting all things Outlander. They’re on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube!

Good news! You do not need to live in Southern California to join this welcoming group!

This is my interview with perky and warm Heather. Pssst……she loves to wear knitted caps, but light weight ones, as soCal can get a wee bit warm at times. <G>

The deeply grateful,

Outlander Anatomist

Follow me on:

Video credit: OA

2018 San Diego Comic Con

Greetings Outlander fans! Not too many Outlander activities at the San Diego Comic Con, but there are some.

Dropped by the Cryptozoic booth. Creative mastermind George Nadeau agreed to a brief interview about Outlander offerings this year.

Cryptozoic is a company which specializes in collectable cards, games, board games, trading cards and comics.

Cryptozoic has created a Jamie doll this year. He can be purchased by going online to He is available to everyone. 

See Jamie’s figure in action here!

This year, Cryptozoic is also offering three Outlander wardrobe cards. The cards include swatches of the actual fabrics used to create a particular garment worn during Outlander, season 3.

At present, wardrobe cards are available only at comic cons where Cryptozoic has a presence. If you are unable to attend but have a thirst for one or more of these cards, ask a friend going to a comic con to pick some up for you. Alternatively, they can be found online from private buyers, but be prepared – the private cards are super spendy! 

George, Jody Kawamata-Chang and I send you greetings from inside the SDCC exhibit hall! Thanks to Jody Kawamata-Chang who served as our videographer.

Signing off for now!

The deeply grateful,

Outlander Anatomist

Follow me on:

Video and Photo Credits: OA, Kawamata-Chang