Fun Fact: trapezius

sam heughan as jamie fraser

Anatomy Def: Broad, flat muscles on each side of upper back, neck, and shoulders, acting to raise, rotate, and draw back the shoulders or to pull head backward or to one side. The paired trapeziuses for the figure of a trapezium.

Outlander def: The official “whew” muscles lend Jamie his broad sloping shoulders! Verra well developed on our King of Men! Must be from forking all that Lallybroch hey, hay!

Learn about trapezius muscles in Anatomy Lesson #10, “Jamie’s Back – Aye, Jamie’s Back!” This amazing set of muscles work on the highly mobile shoulder joints increasing our range of motion.

Read about trapezius-turf in Outlander book:

I reached to caress the back of Jamie’s neck, and he turned his head blindly toward me, resting his brow against my own. “How was it, Jamie?” I asked softly, fingers rubbing hard and slow over the tight-ridged muscles of his neck and shoulders. “What was it like? Tell me.”

See Jamie tense his trapezius muscles as he squares shoulders against Dirty-Dougal’s usury in Starz episode 105, Rent!

A deeply grateful,

Outlander Anatomist