2022 Outlandish Vancouver/Outlandish Adventures – Day 2

Day two. Jo and I woke up bright and early to get breakfast – which was fabulous at our hotel. Then off for another day of OV/OA fun!

Warning! There is a potential spoiler in this post. I will add “SPOILER” before the question, as a warning. ⛔️

The morning was set aside for photos and autographs. Here is Jody with David and Tim. David never wants to put on a hula skirt (she has asked him four times) but Tim was game! 😊

Before the next set of panels, we hoofed it back to our hotel for lunch and a bit of rest. Kicking off our shoes and settling for a quick rest, we were startled into action by a high-pitched, tone. A fire alarm!

Grabbing our purses and shoes, we headed for the stairwell. Everyone exited in an orderly manner only to be greeted by a fire truck at the entrance with the Fire Marshall right behind.   Then, three more fire trucks pulled up.

We headed off for the venue because we weren’t going to be allowed back in for a while! and, nothing was going to stop our fun! 🤪

The first afternoon panel was David and Tim. They are a really great pair. Did you know they have a podcast? It is called the “Outcast Podcast.” They have nine episodes. I have not listened them, but I plan to. These sound very interesting.

First, panelists….David and Tim came into the room to cheers. They took their chairs and the questions began.

SPOILER…First question was for David. “David, are you looking forward to marrying Claire?”

David choked, muttered something, then basically said, “ No comment!” 😉

Next question was where in the world would you like to go?

Tim wants to go to Iceland and walk the volcanoes. David wants to go to Morocco. And both want to travel with a Bedouin group and ride camels! 😆 (My husband lived on Bahrain as a youth and he claims camels spit and stink.)

Someone asked what fantasy they would like experience. Tim wants to live in the Shire, be a hobbit, eat tea cakes, and drink hobbit tea! 😊

And, David wants to be in deep space on a ship with Aliens! 😳


I asked my question which was, “If you were an animals, what would you be.”

David wants to be a goldfish. He said it would be lovely to swim around in water, to look out at the world, and be taken care of. He said goldfish have no memories so he wouldn’t recall if anything bad happened. And, no one dislikes a goldfish! 😊

Tim would like to be a penguin. 😆 Because, they are always well dressed! Or, maybe an owl. David then pointed out that owls poop out of their their mouths and Tim started to re-think his wish.

Next was a very thoughtful question. If you had a hidden room, what would it be?


Tim said it would be some sort of ancient temple with nice stuff! 😜 It would have a secret passage to a nice department store, lit by torches or maybe electric lights. Then, he said what he actually wants is a very nice spa! So, here it is!

David wants a bat cave for Batman! 🦇 (I assume he would be Batman, but he didn’t really make that clear). 😁

Then, time was up, and Tim and David left the room.

Next up was a panel of Paul, Caitlin, and Joanne. In they came. First JoAnne, then Paul (Paul is such a cutie!), and finally Caitlin.

And, the queries began! Someone picked up on my earlier question. If you were an animal, what would you be?

Joanne said “a seal.” Why? Because she has a high forehead and her boyfriend told her if she shaved her head, she would look like a seal! 😮 Awww…so cute!

Caitlin said she would be a bird, because she wants to fly. And, if she were a parrot, she could fly and talk! 😃

Paul would be a snow leopard! He had to play one in drama school and found out that they pee on rocks to message their young. This impressed him very much! 😆

All three were asked how they found out about their characters. Caitlin read Outlanderwiki to find out about Lizzie! 👍🏻 And, her mom is a book reader so after she got the part, her mother went through the books, highlighted everything she could find about Lizzie, and gave it to Caitlin! Good mom! 👍🏻

Paul also read about Keziah and Josiah in Outlanderwiki and then went to the book store and bought the books! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

Asked which traits are the best and the worst of their characters, Caitlin says Lizzie’s innocence is her best quality.  She really didn’t give a worst quality, but I would say Lizzie tends to be a blabber mouth. 😊

Paul says Kezzie and Jo’s best quality is their loyalty – they will risk anything for those they love. Their worst quality is going behind Jamie’s back to marry and handfast. I have to agree with this. 😉

Joanne believes Amy’s best quality is her honesty about her feelings.

We also learned that Paul was hesitant to take the roles of Jo and Kezzie because hearing impaired actors need work. But, Outlander really wanted him so he spoke with some of his friends who are hearing impaired. They encouraged him to take the role because he could convincingly play both parts where as a hearing impaired actor would have a difficult time playing Jo’s role. 🥰

Final question returned to what would be in your hidden room?

Paul would have a room of books!

Joanne would have a comfy chair and a great TV!

And, Caitlin would have a flotation tank! 😮 I looked into them and if you have a bit of coin to spare, this beauty is available for $29,500! (She also said something about having a little man in the secret room, but no one asked what she meant.) 😜

We went back to our hotel and found out that indeed, there was a fire on the second floor, but it was quickly brought under control. Thank you first responders!

More to come about day three!

The deeply grateful,

Outlander Anatomist

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Photo and Video Credits: Sony/Starz, Outlander Anatomy, Jody Kawamata-Chang, www.aquariumcoop.com, www.aquarium of the pacific.org,  www.daysoftheyear.com, www.deoist.com, www.guardiansofgahook.com, www.homes and gardens.com, www.indiewire.com, www medium.com, www.mprnews.com, www.newsweek.org, www.outlanderfandom.com, www.smithsonian mag.com, www.superiorfloattanks.com, www.visitlasvegas.com,