Anatomy Lesson 17: “The Wedding” or “Hallelujah Chorus”

Greetings, dear readers! Today, we will enjoy a short Anatomy Lesson #17: The Cephalic Vein. However, most of our time will be spent as anatomy guests at The Wedding! Raise your voices in song! I have been waiting to do this episode for nearly six months. As guests, we will perform a practice practical exam and a week from today (March 31st) we will take our midterm practical exam. Jamie will be our model for the today’s lesson but afterwards it’s Q&A time! Hey, now, stay with me. Dinna get cold feet!

Today’s test is for practice only; it is structured like a gross anatomy practical wherein structures are tagged with a string and a number. Students write the answer on their test sheet. But today, each question is followed by a link to the appropriate anatomy lesson, followed by an image, followed by the answer. Red arrows mark the structures. Also, this practical tags structures as they sequentially appear in “The Wedding” episode. There are 20 questions; a few are challenging but most are not.

Of course, I can’t resist a few choice Outlander quotes and some smart-arse commentary although truth be told, the tenderness and patience between Jamie and Claire as they reach out to one another in this episode are deeply moving.

So, pull out quill and paper. Record your answer and, if need be, write in the correct answer for future reference as there will likely be some repeat questions. Next week’s midterm will be for credit! Do your best and have fun!

Now, on to our brief anatomy lesson: the cephalic vein. Cephalic is an anatomical term with muddled origins but current usage means “directed toward, or situated on, near or in the head.” Photo A shows the cephalic vein in forearm and arm (Anatomy Lesson #4) so why the name? The name is based on blood flow which is directed upward toward the head, hence cephalic. In the lean and muscular, the vein (they are paired) is visible just under the skin (subcutaneous).


Photo A

Each cephalic vein forms near the base of the thumb by union of veins of the back of the hand (Photo B). Arteries lie deep and are not visible through the skin. Try this: check the venous pattern on the back of your hand; each pattern is unique.


Photo B

The cephalic vein can be traced up the thumb side of the forearm where it communicates with a vein in front of the elbow (median cubital – the one typically used for a blood draw). Photo C shows the subcutaneous position of the cephalic vein along the lateral borders of forearm and arm but near the armpit(axilla) it disappears. Where did it go?


Photo C

The cephalic vein disappears from view because near the armpit it dives deeply toward the clavicle where it empties blood into the little known axillary vein (Photo D – yellow arrow), a large vein that drains the entire upper limb. Deep to the clavicle, the axillary vein drains into the subclavian vein (Photo D – red arrow). The subclavian vein is an important site for central catheterization because it offers many advantages to both patient and practitioner. Just so you know blood then travels through two even larger veins (not shown in Photo D) before reaching the right side of the heart.


Photo D

Jamie has agreed once more to hop up on the dissection table; thank you Mr. Bonny Highlander! Several students have asked me to explain Jamie’s arm vein. So here’s Claire playing round and round and round she goes – where she stops everyone knows! Jamie’s cephalic vein is clearly evident in his right forearm and arm (red arrows). Again this vein is best seen in the muscular and lean so Jamie is a perfect model. Try this: with elbow bent, lift one hand and turn the forearm so the palm faces downward (pronation). You will likely find a large vein on the thumb side of the forearm about 2-4 inches (5-10 cm) above the wrist. Trace it upwards as far as you can; this is the cephalic vein.


This brief lesson is over and the time has come to start the practice practical!

Our first question is from the lead-in to Claire and Frank’s wedding scene which, BTW, is a figment of the writing team’s imagination. Here Frank tells Claire that he doesn’t really give a figment if his parents are waiting to meet them at a restaurant. Let them eat cake!

Q #1: Name the paired facial muscle that wrinkles Frank’s chin-skin. (Anatomy Lesson #13)


A #1: Mentalis. Did you get it right? The body, the body, rah, rah, rah, anatomy, anatomy, sis boom bah! (didn’t know there was an official anatomy cheer, did ye?).

Next, Claire sits with tendrils of her not-dull-at-all brown hair framing her face and curling down her neck. She’s dressed in shift, corset and skirts musing on how life with Frank was like pearls on a string. Whaaaat? Claire, anyone with half a visual cortex can see that is pure fantasy! Frank is a nice man (until episode 8) but it was you that kept team Beauchamp-Randall going. Sorry, canna imagine you as a contented don’s wife. Stick around though you are going to be content verra soon. Happy dance everyone!

Q #2: What shape is the shaft of one curly Claire-hair: flat or round? (Anatomy Lesson #6)


A #2: flat

The next image uses a quote from Outlander book wherein Herself records:

I took a deep breath. “I have questions,”…”I’d suppose ye do,” he agreed. “I imagine you’re entitled to a bit of curiosity, under the circumstances. What is it ye want to know? “He looked up suddenly, blue eyes bright…”

What’s the matter Claire, did those earnest baby blues make you forget your question? Hahaha, she can barely breathe! Oops, they made me, erm, forget my own question. Ohhhh, here it is:

Q #3: Name the muscles lifting Jamie’s eyebrows and wrinkling his forehead skin. (Anatomy Lesson #11)


A #3: Frontalis

What Claire wonders is “why did you agree to marry me?” Jamie explains he did it to save her from BJR so in gratitude she glides over, sits next to him and leans in for a kiss. Jamie almost makes it to first base but Claire interrupts the kiss with: “Tell me about your family.” Abort mission! Ha, Mistress Beauchamp, ye aren’t fooling Jamie. He’s as bright a lad as ever strode the heather. He kens exactly what ye are doing!

Q #4: Name the muscles lifting Claire’s eyelids. (Anatomy Lesson #14)


A #4: Levator palpebrae superioris (lifter of the upper eyelid)

“How many generations back?” Jamie is a Highlander born and bred and also a gentleman so he patiently traces his geneaology back to Adam and Eve for the benefit of nurse Beauchamp. Story telling obviously requires a kilt-hike so we see Jamie knees and thighs…no problema (or problemo if ye are into Schwarzenegger films). Come on lass, get with the program! There’s plenty waiting in line if ye are no willing to do your duty!

Q #5: Name the muscle at the inside of Jamie’s right and left knees. Smooookin’! (Anatomy Lesson #7)


A #5: Vastus medialis (Aye, it is vast!)

So finally after two days of storytelling and prurient comments from Angus and Rupert they finally get down to business: “To bed or to sleep?” What’s a friend for? Weel, to help Claire with her laces of course – she willna sleep in her corsets tonight. Yippee! What with all the excitement, Jamie’s sark conveniently comes unbuttoned so let’s take a wee keek at his warrior’s neck.

Q #6: Name the midline bony depression at the top of Jamie’s sternum. (Anatomy Lesson #12)


A #6: Jugular notch

Now, this little ribbon went to market…Ah, no, it never got to the grocery store because it was hung up on its way off Claire’s neck! Who knew that such a wee bit of fluff could be soooo enchanting? As Jamie slowly, sensuously slides that ribbon, he grips the base of her neck (whoa Nelly!)…

Q #7: Name the muscle under Jamie’s right fingers (Anatomy Lesson #2 & Anatomy Lesson #3)


A #7: Trapezius

He canna wait to undo the laces of that magnificent corset (Bravo Terry and team)! As he makes his way down the loops, let’s note the bony bump on Claire’s sternum (red arrow)? We all have this bump, a palpable clinical landmark from which ribs are counted; it also serves as a marker for various internal anatomical features that can’t be seen from the surface (e.g. aortic arch). Please find yours or a friend’s…hee hee.

Q #8: Name the bony bump of the sternum (Anatomy Lesson #15)


A #8: Sternal angle (of Louis)

Next, Claire timidly glances at Jamie with a pleading expression on her face. Clad only in her shift, she’s feeling a wee bit self-conscious under his careful scrutiny. Does he like what he sees?

Q #9: Identify the rim around Claire’s luscious lips (Anatomy Lesson #14).


A #9: Vermillion border

Oh, aye, Jamie likes his bride of astonishing beauty soooo much that his nostrils flare! A wee muscle does this but it has the longest name (5 words) of any in the human body. Take note! This may be on the final exam.

Q #10: Name the muscle that flares each nostril (Anatomy Lesson #11).


A #10: Levator labii superioris alaeque nasi (lifter of the superior lip and nasal ala = LLSAN)

Claire’s no about to let Jamie have his way and not get hers too! Stand still Jamie as she unbuckles yer belt! Bet you weren’t expecting that move from an Oxfordshire widow!

Q #11: Name the glorious mass of muscle on Jamie’s upper chest (Anatomy Lesson #12)


A #11: Pectoralis major (and they are major!)

Okay, Jamie, now you can finally kiss Claire without those darned wedding guests oogling the pair of you. Instead, an entire planet hangs on “every minute – every second!” It’s a fab kiss too!

Q #12: Name the muscles closing Claire’s eyelids. (Anatomy Lesson #11).


A #12: Orbicularis oculi (palpebral parts)

Next, Jamie grips Claire’s neck during that awesome kiss (Q #13, red arrow); that’s how he pulls her up to him. Aye, throughout the books Jamie either grips or bites her neck; it’s that horsey thing again! The next quote from Outlander book records the first time he touches Claire’s neck:

The lad had nice feelings. Instead of calling for help or retreating in confusion, he sat down, gathered me firmly onto his lap with his good arm and sat rocking me gently, muttering soft Gaelic in my ear and smoothing my hair with one hand…but slowly I began to quiet a bit, as Jamie stroked my neck and back…

Q #13: How many cervical vertebrae in Claire’s neck? (Anatomy Lesson #12)


A #13: Seven (Nay, she doesna have any extra vertebrae!)

Again from Outlander book:

“Where did you learn to kiss like that? I said a little breathless. He grinned and pulled me close again. I said I was a virgin, not a monk.”

Q #14:

Name one muscle (there are three) that lifts the right side of Jamie’s mouth. (Anatomy Lesson #11 & Anatomy Lesson #13)


A #14: zygomaticus major, zygomaticus minor or levator anguli oris

Another fabulous quote from Outlander book. Herself records:

“Was it like you thought IT would be?”…”Almost; I had thought – nay, never mind.” “No, tell me, what did you think?” “I’m no goin’ to tell ye; ye’ll laugh at me.” “I promise not to laugh. Tell me.”…Oh, all right. I didna realize that ye did IT face to face. I thought ye must do IT the back way, like; like horses, ye know.”

Jamie, a wee warning: if Claire promises anything ye must take it with grain of salt. Although she tells Geillis Duncan that a promise was a serious thing in her country too (Starz episode 4, The Gathering), she tends to break her promises!

Q #15: Name the muscle puckering Jamie’s mouth (Anatomy Lesson #11)


A #15: Orbicularis oris

“Did ye like IT?” Ahhh Jamie, dinna be daft; ye mistake Claire’s downcast eyes as a NO! Ye don’t ken it yet, but this is one LL for lusty lady. Oh dear, Jamie is totally bummed – mayhap Murtaugh was right and women dinna like IT! Weel, mayhap some leddy should give Murtaugh his own anatomy lesson. Volunteers? Snort!

Q #16: Name the muscles wrinkling the skin between Jamie’s eyes. (Anatomy Lesson #11)


A #16: Corrugator supercilii

Next, we hear Claire’s feet pitter patter across the floor: she needs food! She also feels a wee bit unnerved being an adulteress, a bigamist and all: guilt surge because she did enjoy IT (apparently IT doesna have a name).

Q #17: Name the stunning bones that peek above the curving neckline of Claire’s shift. (Anatomy Lesson #2 & Anatomy Lesson #3)


A #17: Clavicles (collar bones)

Ever the gentleman, Jamie descends the stairs for food while the Highlanders rattle the rooftop with crude and ribald jokes. A little chaff rarely bothers Jamie though so he fills a plate with goodies for the pair of them and hightails it back to the bridal suite.

Q #18: Name the bone at the tip of the red arrow. (Anatomy Lesson #7)


A #18: Patella (knee cap)

As Jamie offers Claire a chunk of cheese she learns that Dougal was a royal jerkwad in the tap room advising him to never “give a woman too much power!” But, Jamie (aye, he is a bright one) says he is “completely under her power and happy to be there.” Check mate! Claire needs more whisky so off Jamie goes to grab a decanter. After he gracefully pours without spilling a single drop (that man can do anything!) he touches her hair and gets a major rebuff! Ah, Jamie, if only ye only knew her secret ye might ken her push-pull behavior. But, she regrets her snub and favors him with a killer-watt smile! Check out those darling dimples!

Q #19: Name one of three muscle pairs lifting Claire’s lips. Try for a different pair than you gave in question #14 (Anatomy Lesson #11 and Anatomy Lesson #13).


A #19: Zygomaticus major, zygomaticus minor or levator anguli oris. Did you answer differently this time? Good job fledglings! Your wings are getting stronger.

Next, Jamie sidles up with more horse-gentling techniques, comparing her hair to the water in a burn: “dark in the wavy spots and auburn where the sun hits it…“  Whew, the man is determined and she likes those soft, tender words! On, and on he gently coaxes her. “Here’s looking at you kid” isna likely to do for our Claire.

Q #20: Name the muscle in Claire’s neck. (Anatomy Lesson #12)


A #20: Sternocleidomastoid! Yessssss…good job! Remember, these are paired.

That was our last question. Now, the practice practical is over. How did ye do?

But, we’re not done yet! Time for a little sex, erm, sox talk! As Jamie pulls Claire up for that breath-taking kiss she stands on tippy toes to reach his mouth. Her feet are shrouded in verra fine (lisle cotton?) stockings.


Soon, Claire is on her back baring those lovely cream-colored stockings with matching ribbon garters. Being it’s his first time, Jamie is still clad in a three-yard sark and boots! Puir lad. How do I know the sark (shirt) uses three yards of fabric? Weel, Herself says so in Dragonfly in Amber and that should be good enough for any of us! I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, if ye aren’t reading the books you are missing the best of the best (no, this isna a paid ad).

“…I had made such sarks for him; I could feel the softness of the fabric…the billowing length of the three full yards it took to make one, the long tails and full sleeves that let the Highland men drop their plaids and sleep or fight with a sark their only garment.”



I just canna get those stockings off my mind. The next time we see Claire’s feet, she is barefoot in front of the fireplace as Jamie plants a tender kiss on her wounded wrist. When did Claire take off those lovely leggings? Did she peel them off à la Mrs. Robinson? Did they think we wouldna notice? I want to know…Does this make me professor nitpicker? Tcha, course it does!


Alrighty, then! Let’s stop getting our socks knocked off by the Frasers. We’ve all got some studying to do for next week’s midterm which will be next Tuesday, March 31st. Here are links to all of the anatomy lessons for yer studying pleasure: Anatomy Lessons 1-13; Anatomy Lesson 14; Anatomy Lesson 15; Anatomy Lesson 16. The happy news is the midterm exam will cover more of The Wedding (Starz episode 7)!


A deeply grateful,

Outlander Anatomist

Follow me on Facebook and Twitter!

Image creds: All images of the cast in this post are from Starz episode 7, The Wedding; Netter’s Atlas of Human Anatomy, 4th ed.

Anatomy Lesson 8: “Jamie Takes a Beating and Claire’s Healing Touch”

Anatomy Lesson #8:  Solar plexus, Respiratory Diaphragm, Kidneys and Cheekbone

Now, that’s a whole lot of anatomy, but dinna get into a swivet; this lesson is dictated by Rupert’s beating of Jamie. Well, now, Jamie is a warrior who has a knack for getting himself into a mess o’ messes. Claire is a warrior too, only her battle field is healing!

Getting started, let’s review the healing Claire has given thus far for young Jamie – showing that she is a real Healer-Dealer and how that rascal Rupert undoes some of her warrior work!

In Starz episode #1, Sassenach, Murtagh captures Claire on Saturday – likely the same day Jamie dislocates his shoulder. Several hours pass before Claire reduces Jamie’s shoulder (see Anatomy Lesson #2). “Tá Dia (I think this is what he says) – it doesna hurt anymore!” exclaims Jamie. Ha, the Highlanders hadna a clue that a feral Sassenach cat could perform such miracles!


Claire and her captors ride through Saturday night and into Sunday when Jamie is shot at Cocknammon Rock (See Anatomy Lesson #3). Later that night, after fainting from lack of blood, Claire securely binds his wound so he doesna have to stay and determine his own fate wit’ a loaded pistol (Starz episode #1, Sassenach).


On Monday they arrive at Castle Leoch (Starz episode #2, Castle Leoch). Claire insists on properly cleaning and dressing Jamie’s gunshot wound (See Anatomy Lesson #3), all the while conducting a thorough counseling session fer the sad-lad! She also binds his right arm to his chest (thorax in anatomy) to immobilize the freshly reduced shoulder joint. What a caregiver!


On Tuesday (Starz episode #2, Castle Leoch), Claire brings Jamie comfort in the form of lunch and fresh bandages but accidentally upsets his work at the stables. Jamie falls to his knees. Oooh, this clearly hurts his pride and mayhap messes a wee bit wit’ his injured shoulder? Oops, Claire better watch that hip padding – it gets in the way! After lunch, true confessions and a good deal of “facetime,” Claire begs Jamie not to get stabbed or flogged today.


By Friday, after having been a good lad fer far too long Jamie gallantly steps forth at the Hall to take punishment for “damn-her-eyes” LiarHair who clearly has been a verra bad lassie (Starz episode #2, Castle Leoch). Ye’ll ken this is about six days after his shoulder dislocation and only five days since his gunshot wound! This is important because at this point new blood vessels are growing (angiogenesis), cells are dividing (mitosis) and collagen is forming (fibrogenesis) to help heal pulled ligaments and strained muscles; everything in Jamie’s shoulder is tender and sore. But, braw showman that he is, he chooses fists no the strap!


Laird Colum allows it.  Rupert will administer the fisticuffs delivering two consecutive blows to Jamie’s belly!

Now for some anatomy! Both blows strike Jamie in the pit of the stomach (Photo A). This type of blow affects three major regions of the body: the belly wall, the solar plexus and the diaphragm.


Photo A

As I will cover the belly wall in a future post, I won’t describe its full anatomy now. Suffice it to say that it is defined by the blue area seen in Photo B. In a warrior like Jamie, whose belly is very strong, two punches will not do much real damage. But consider the gut punch BJR gives Claire (Starz episode 6, The Garrison Commander) along with the belly kick by his weenie gopher. I suspect that Claire’s corset stays, several undergarments and that fabulous pleated tartan gown kept any real damage to a minimum; ye ken that each pleat includes three layers of wool? (Aye, Terry and her team create such splendid garments!)


Photo B

Now, just behind the stomach lies the solar plexus (Photo C – surface anatomy), so named because it resembles a sunburst; anatomists call it the celiac (coeliac) plexus.  


Photo C

To understand the celiac plexus, let’s first visit the aorta the largest artery of the human body (Photo D – posterior abdominal wall – from the front with organs removed). It begins in the chest, pierces the diaphragm and enters the abdominal cavity where it lies in front of the spine.


Photo D

The celiac plexus (Photo E – black arrows) wraps the front and sides of the abdominal aorta. The white blobs in Photo E are ganglia, swellings that house nerve cell bodies. The white strings are nerves; arising from the cell bodies they connect with other ganglia and supply organs (viscera). The nerves cause viscera to contract or secrete and also carry pain sensation back to the central nervous system. A blow to the belly can bruise the stomach, shock the celiac plexus, cause pain and potentially interfere with visceral function.


Photo E

Finally, the last body part vulnerable to a belly blow is the thoracic diaphragm, a dome-shaped sheet of muscle and tendon between the chest and the abdominal cavities that sits surprisingly high under the rib cage  (Photo F – from the front showing cut edge of diaphragm). It is attached to the inner surfaces of breast bone, ribs and vertebrae and is a powerful muscle of respiration: as we breathe in (inspire) it descends, as we breathe out (expire) it rises. Blows to the belly wall cause temporary paralysis of the thoracic diaphragm making breathing difficult – the sensation of “getting the wind knocked out of you” and perhaps the most uncomfortable part of a gut punch! The spasm is accompanied by pain, anxiety and difficulty sitting or standing. But, as with Jamie, the spasm passes, breathing resumes and equanimity is restored.


Photo F

Moving on…Rupert circles around to Jamie’s back and delivers a third blow causing him to stagger! As ye well ken, this is a kidney punch and it is verra painful!


The kidneys are paired bean-shaped organs that produce urine, extract wastes, balance body fluids and are vital for normal life! Each day they filter about 189 liters (200 qt) of blood but produce only about 1.89 liters (2 qt) of urine because normally most all the fluid is resorbed. The urine flows into paired ureters then to the urinary bladder and is subsequently voided through the unpaired urethra (Photo G).


Photo G

A blow to the kidney is painful but not always serious (unless, of course, Claire’s stabbing ye in the back wit’ her sgian dubh!). Why? Weel, because the 11th & 12th ribs protect much of the left kidney and 12th rib protects part of the right (Photo H – from the back; kidney outlines shown as dashed lines). Also, strong back muscles absorb energy from a kidney punch. Kidney injury from blunt trauma ranges from bruising to serious tearing of tissues. Just so ye ken, blood in the urine is a good indicator of kidney trauma and the kidney punch is one of the meanest places to whack an opponent – although our fiery hero doesn’t seem that worse for wear.


Photo H

By now Rupert is sweating. So he checks wit’ his heid, “Dougal the Devil Man” ta see if it’s time to stop. Now, we all ken that Dougal is Colum’s war chief. So, take a peek at his menacing stance – splayed legs all covered wit’ his shiny high top boots. But, Dougal has no problem wi’ his nephew getting hurt and hurt badly. After all, the lad is still standing at this point and standin’ in the way of his best-laid plans. So Uncle Dougal directs Rupert to land a 4th blow – this time to Jamie’s face and blood splatters the slates. As there is another punch coming to Jamie’s face, I’m saving facial anatomy until blow #6! Read on!


Hey, now, I thought the beating was supposed to stop once blood was drawn. Geillis says so and we all know she never lies. Next, Rupert hauls back and lands a mighty one ta Jamie’s right shoulder!

So, what was Claire thinking through all this physical plundering? Herself writes in Outlander:

“I was in agony of apprehension, lest one of the blows re-damage the wounded shoulder…”

Too late Claire…Och, Rupert, that was brutal, man!


Time fer more anatomy, heh. The shoulder blow is bad news because there’s nay been enough time for the wounds to have healed properly. The next photo shows the proper alignment of a normal glenohumeral joint (Photo I:  x-ray right shoulder). Part of the humeral head (red arrow) sits in the glenoid cavity of the scapula (blue arrow).


Photo I

Nearly a week earlier Jamie suffered an anterior dislocation of the glenohumeral joint (Photo J: x-ray right shoulder). Here, the humeral head (red arrow) is typically displaced forward (anterior) and down (inferior) from the glenoid cavity (blue arrow) as shown in the following x-ray. Claire restored the normal anatomy of the joint, but as we learned earlier, the whole area remains inflamed and tender. Ouch! It hurts just ta look at it.


Photo J

Finally, Rupert delivers the last punch to Jamie’s face and knocks him to the ground!


Now, ye best understand the damage these facial blows can cause! In anatomy, the cheek bone is the zygomatic arch (Photo K). With color-coded skull bones, ye can clearly see that the zygomatic arch is made of two bones: the pink part belongs to the temporal bone and the orange part to the zygomatic bone. The two bones meet at a jagged suture (non-moveable joint). Although strong, the suture is at risk for fracture.


Photo K

Also, the zygomatic bone forms the outer rim of the bony orbit where the eye is housed (Photo L). Both zygomatic arch and bony orbit are subcutaneous structures (see Anatomy Lesson #5 – The Skin) and vulnerable to injury. The fact that Rupert’s blow didn’t fracture either of these bony areas is probably due to the fact that Jamie’s head is harder than an iron pot – or so says his sister Jenny!


Photo L

After the beating, Murtagh helps our hero out of the hall but not afore Jamie casts a look at Claire: “Sassenach., I need you!” Well, that does it. Claire has ta’ git outta that Hall – NOW! Make way, Geillis! Ah, have patience Claire, a few more weeks and ye’re going ta get all the healing touches of Jamie ye want. Lucky Lady!


Soon enough, Claire tenderly soothes Jamie’s bruises: he’ll be sore for a couple of days, but he’s no really damaged. She is dying ta know why he took Miss LongHare’s punishment! In Outlander book Jamie answers Claire:

“Why not me?”…Why not? I wanted to say. Because you didn’t know her, she was nothing to you. Because you were already hurt. Because it takes something rather special in the way of guts to stand up in front of a crowd and let someone hit you in the face, no matter what your motive.”

Friends, if you have yet to read the marvelous Outlander books, I urge ye to do so as well as follow the Starz episodes! There are lots more to these vignettes than can fit into a 60 minute episode!


Then Claire delivers the sad news that tomorrow (Saturday) she is headed back to Inverness with Pitre the tinker! Jamie groans as he stands to say farewell. He is devastated. Are ye sobbin’ yet? He is!

Ah…breathe a sigh of relief – fate has a surprise in store fer Mistress Beauchamp. Yep, Colum and his lil’ Big Bad Bro willna let her go wit’ the tinker. Claire has to stay and take her own Beaton – er, the surgery I mean – that little “chamber of horrors” needs her healing touch too!


Now, looking fer remnants of Jamie’s beating – were the continuity detailers attending to details? Yep, they were. Many films show heroes beaten within an inch of their lives but they emerge moments later wit’ nary a scratch – keeps me up at night!

Here’s a great example. Did ye see Jamie hobble along wit his right arm drooping as the Teenage Trollop hauls him into an alcove ta have her way wit’ him (Starz episode 3, The Way Out)? Yep, he’s still hurting after that thrashing!


At the pillory (Starz episode 3, The Way Out), we glimpse a dark shadow over his zygomatic arch (red arrow) and mayhap a bit o’ black eye as he helps Claire from a feigned swoon – she who canna stand the sight of blood. Hah. Looks like a big old nasty bruise ta me! Verra nice.


Finally, at the Black Kirk, Claire gives Jamie a botany 101 class explaining the difference between wood garlic and its deadly look-a-like, lily of the valley. This time we see up close the mottled bruising o’er Jamie’s zygomatic arch. Ahhh…he does have a lovely arch does he not?


I’ll leave ye now with three wonderful images from Starz episode 3, The Way Out. At Gwyllyn the Bard’s performance, Claire is deep into Colum’s Rhenish. Ever watchful Jamie escorts her safely to her Beaton dungeon under the guise of needing help wit’ his bandage. Jamie, ye are the man! Claire decides to check his gunshot wound anyway and starts ta take off his clothes -weel, she just unties his stock and unbuttons his shirt but…Gah!


She pulls back the bandage: “Scabbed over nicely; no drainage.” She isna going ta let Jamie leave her surgery without feeling his fair, fresh skin. After all she is the healer and she is in charge!


And, what is young Jamie’s thinking wit’ Claire half undressing him and putting her bonny fingers on him? Weel, look at his face. Ha’ mercy, lass! Ye are making it verra hard for the puir man. Snort! Jamie, he is silently taking’ the MacKenzie oath – only backwards. Jamie, man, ye BURN not shine!


OK, that does it fer this anatomy lesson. Thanks for joining me as we explored how Jamie’s wounds ne’er fail to bring on Claire’s healing touch! Hope ye all are hunkering down as the winter solstice approaches (in the Northern Hemisphere, anyway).

And fer those who are new to my blog, a note of explanation: I follow the convention of using the character’s names rather than the Starz actor’s names. This gives the cast at least one degree of separation and a wee bit o’ respect as I dissect their bodies with words! I hope ye all understand!

You can now follow me on Facebook and Twitter!

The deeply grateful,

Outlander Anatomist

Images courtesy of: Starz,,, Kidney Health Australia,, Netter’s Atlas of Human Anatomy 4th ed., Hollingshead’s Textbook of Anatomy, 5th ed.