2 Replies to “Anatomy Lesson #54 Tomorrow!”

  1. I know water is needed to help with all the fluids being lost (vomit/diarrhea) but I had heard that you should add sugar to the water. Not sure why though.

    1. Hi Paula. What a thoughtful question! Fluids lost by vomiting and diarrhea take with them other molecules needed by our bodies to function properly.

      Addition of fluids is, of course, best done by professionals in a medical facility. They will replenish lost fluids with fluids that contain important electrolytes – molecules needed by the body for proper function.

      If a person is in survival circumstances, a little sugar added to clean drinking water provides some quick energy to someone depleted by lost fluids. Also, a little salt added helps restore another of those necessary electrolytes.

      Water in our body doesn’t exist as pure water, it contains a lot of dissolved substances. Salt is a major player. But, neither sugar or salt should be added in large quantities.

      If you do an online search, I am reasonably sure you can find the proportion of salt and sugar to use under these circumstances. I, myself, do not know the proportions to use under survival circumstances.

      Thank you for your interesting question!

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