Fun Fact – Linea Alba


linea alba lin·e·a al·’ba, Latin meaning white line.

Scientific definition: fibrous white line extending from sternum to pubic symphysis and overlaid with belly skin

Outlander definition: seductive vertical midline crease of the belly skin

Och! Double today’s reading pleasure! Learn more about the linea alba in Anatomy Lesson #16: “Jamie’s Belly or Scottish Six-Pack”  and Anatomy Lesson #18: “Hallelujah Chorus Part Deux.

And a description of Claire’s belly from Outlander book:

The water flowed up over my hips, and the flesh of my belly shivered in delight as the heat swirled through me.

And a description of Jamie’s belly from Outlander book:

He pulled me to him and settled me closer against his shoulder, his arm around me. I stroked his flat belly, toying with his navel. “Stop that, it tickles. D’ye want to hear, or no?”

And a description of both Claire’s and Jamie’s belly from  Outlander book:

“Jamie,” I said. “I want you. Come here.” Sighing in resignation, he rose to his knees and let me pull him upward, settling at last with his weight balanced on his elbows, but comfortingly solid on top of me, belly to belly and lips to lips.

Be sure to rewatch Starz, episode107, The Wedding (isna homework a dirty job? Snort!) for several keeks at the skin crease over the linea alba!

A deeply grateful,

Outlander Anatomist



6 Replies to “Fun Fact – Linea Alba”

  1. There once was a couple named Kelly,
    That were forced to walk belly-to-belly.
    Because in their haste
    They used library paste
    Instead of petroleum jelly.

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