Fun Fact: phalanges

ep 202 phalanges

sing. noun: phalange [fuh-lan-jee]; pl. noun: phalanges [fuh-lan-jeez].

From the Greek, phálanx, meaning military formation; later used for the bones of fingers and toes

Anatomy def: 14 bones in the digits of each hand or in the toes of each foot; 56 phalange bones in total. Each thumb and great toe bears two phalanges and remaining digits each contain three phalanges.

Outlander def: Smashed but healing finger bones of Jamie’s puir left hand (right hand in Diana’s books). Claire’s own loving hands diligently labor to mended them!

Learn about phalanges in Anatomy Lesson #22, “Jamie’s Hand – Symbol of Sacrifice.”

Read about Jamie’s smashed bones in Dragonfly in Amber:

Jamie glanced dispassionately at his right hand. It really wasn’t too bad; a couple of fingers set slightly askew, a thick scar down the length of the middle finger. The only major damage had been to the fourth finger, which stuck out stiffly, its second joint so badly crushed that the healing had fused two finger bones together. The hand had been broken in Wentworth Prison, less than four months ago, by Jack Randall.

See Murtagh Fitzgibbons Fraser tighten the laces of Jamie’s amazing hand brace, in Starz episode 202, Not in Scotland Anymore. Designed to stabilize his healing phalanges, Clever Cunning Claire likely devised this awesome medical appliance!

A deeply grateful,

Outlander Anatomist