Fun Fact: tensor fasciae latae


Anatomy def: A muscle arising from iliac bone and inserting into IT band; it tightens the IT band, and flexes and abducts (draws to side) the thigh

Outlander def: The jaw-dropping gah! muscle at the side of Jamie’s hip and upper thigh.

Learn about tensor fasciae latae in Anatomy Lesson #18, “Hallelujah Chorus – Part Deux.”

Read about Jamie’s thigh muscles in Outlander book:

My companion seemed to be having little trouble, in spite of being unable to use this right hand. I could feel his thighs behind mine, shifting and pressing occasionally to guide the horse. I clutched the edge of the short saddle in order to stay seated; I had been on horses before, but was by no means the horseman this Jamie was.

See Jamie’s terrific, transcendent tensor fasciae latae muscle at “work” in Starz episode 107, The Wedding! Ha, ha!

A deeply grateful,

Outlander Anatomist