Fun Fact: Frontalis


Anatomy def: Frontalis muscles  lift the eyebrows and wrinkle the forehead 

Outlander def: Fergus! Ye are needed and loved says Jamie. 😥

Frontalis is derived from the Latin word frons meaning “front” or “forehead.”

Frontalis is pronounced as:  fron·ta·lis \ˌfrən-ˈtā-ləs\

Frontalis are paired muscles of facial expression, one of about 20 pairs! Their only purpose in humans is to convey emotion.

Frontalis muscles cover the forehead. They are flat, thin, four-sided (quadrilateral) muscles that arise from connective tissue of the scalp and end in skin above the eyebrows and nose (next image).

If contracted, these muscles lift the eyebrows and wrinkle forehead skin, conveying strong emotions such as concern, worry, surprise, concentration, and anger. 

Learn more about frontalis muscles in Anatomy Lesson #11, “Jamie’s Face or Ye do it Face to Face?” 

Read about Jamie’s forehead in Diana’s sixth big book, A Breath of Snow and Ashes:

I had the oddest feeling, then—as though the strength he had clung to had now been let go … and was flowing into me. My tenuous grip on my own body firmed as I held his, and my heart ceased wavering, taking up instead its normal solid, tireless beating.

The tears had retreated, though they were precariously near the surface. I traced the lines of his face with my fingers, ruddy bronze and lined with sun and care; the high forehead with its thick auburn brows, and the broad planes of his cheek, the long straight nose, straight as a blade. The closed eyes, slanted and mysterious with those odd lashes of his, blond at the root, so deep an auburn at the tips as to seem almost black.

“Don’t you know?” I said very softly, tracing the small, neat line of his ear. Tiny, stiff blond hairs sprouted in a tiny whorl from the tagus, tickling my finger. “Don’t any of you know? That it’s you. Not what you can give, or do, or provide. Just you.”

Do Claire’s murmurings sound familiar? Jamie uses nearly the same words to encourage Fergus after his suicide attempt.

See Jamie wrinkle his brow at Fergus in Outlander episode 603, Tolerance.

Join the Outlanderbts lasses as we discuss Outlander episode 603!

The deeply grateful,

Outlander Anatomist

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Photo Credits: Starz,

Fun Fact: corrugator supercilii


Anatomy def: Paired corrugator supercilii muscles draw the eyebrows downward and inward, producing vertical wrinkles between the brows. Also known as the worrying muscles!

Outlander def: Muscles that wrinkle Clair’s brow in worry whenever her lovable laddie leaves!

Come back to her, James Fraser, ASAP!

Learn about the corrugator supercilii muscles in Anatomy Lesson #11: “Jamie’s Face” or “Ye do it Face to Face?”

Read about Claire and Jamie worrying for each other in Outlander book:

“I’d be sorry to leave ye, Sassenach, but it might be best.” “Don’t mind for me,” I said. I hadn’t realized before that his departure would necessarily leave me alone at the Castle, and the thought made me more than slightly nervous.

See both Claire and Jamie looking worried as they contract their corrugator supercilii muscles in Starz episode 110, By the Pricking of My Thumbs! Hear Dougal tell Jamie: “I said to kiss her; dinna swallow her!” Har har, that Dougal is a canny, clever clansman!

a deeply grateful,

Outlander Anatomist

P.S. Thanks to Ed for the idea!