Fun Fact: corrugator supercilii


Anatomy def: Paired corrugator supercilii muscles draw the eyebrows downward and inward, producing vertical wrinkles between the brows. Also known as the worrying muscles!

Outlander def: Muscles that wrinkle Clair’s brow in worry whenever her lovable laddie leaves!

Come back to her, James Fraser, ASAP!

Learn about the corrugator supercilii muscles in Anatomy Lesson #11: “Jamie’s Face” or “Ye do it Face to Face?”

Read about Claire and Jamie worrying for each other in Outlander book:

“I’d be sorry to leave ye, Sassenach, but it might be best.” “Don’t mind for me,” I said. I hadn’t realized before that his departure would necessarily leave me alone at the Castle, and the thought made me more than slightly nervous.

See both Claire and Jamie looking worried as they contract their corrugator supercilii muscles in Starz episode 110, By the Pricking of My Thumbs! Hear Dougal tell Jamie: “I said to kiss her; dinna swallow her!” Har har, that Dougal is a canny, clever clansman!

a deeply grateful,

Outlander Anatomist

P.S. Thanks to Ed for the idea!