Fun Fact – Borborygmi


Learn more about borborygmi in Anatomy Lesson #16: Jamie’s Belly or Scottish Six-Pack!

And from Outlander book:

I wasn’t at all thirsty, but the faint scent of honey reminded me that I was starving, and had been for some time. My stomach gave an embarrassingly loud growl, protesting my neglect. “Hey, then, Jamie-lad! Hungry, are ye? Or have ye a set of bagpipes with ye?” shouted Rupert, mistaking the source of the noise. “Hungry enough to eat a set of pipes, I reckon,” called Jamie, gallantly assuming the blame. A moment later, a hand with a flask came around in front of me again. “Better have a wee nip,” he whispered to me. “It willna fill your belly, but it will make ye forget you’re hungry.”

See Jamie stave off Claire’s borborygmi in Outlander, Starz, episode 101: Sassenach!

The deeply grateful,

Outlander Anatomist

One Reply to “Fun Fact – Borborygmi”

  1. Thank you for this fun fact! I will never remember this word, which is too bad because I’d love to smartly say it when my stomach growls in public. “oops, oh that borborygmi is at it again!”

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